most hated song


The song Horse With No Name came up here in
another thread and I must say I hate that song almost as much as I hate musicians spouses who make them quit playing. The heat
was hot, come on, that took alot of talent didnt it? What is your most hated song?
Man it's hard to pick just one -- how about I put a blanket clause on this one and say -- todays pop scene -- The Britney Spears thing and all.......
I havent listend to much radio for years and
my daughter was listening the other day and
a female singer came on. Her voice was very
good, I wasnt really listening to the song, just the voice. I asked my daughter who was
singing because it had caught my attention and it turned out to be Brittany Spiers(spelling?). Now, please stone me and put me
out of my misery, or as hendrix would say, wont you hurry up and execute me.
Based on what dragonworks wrote on this thread: Of course Britney Spears' voice is very good...when recording in the most advanced studios in the world, most voices will sound very good. A little (or alot) of pitch shift here , oops...over there too, oh! How 'bout back here.

In live performances though, it seems like she lip sychs the songs she sings 'cause, when she sings/dance, she never looses her breath & is always in tune.

I read some portions of her bio from several websites. It appears that she didn't write any of the first album songs. A guy by the name of Max Martin (or someone from Ace of Bass fame) had much to do with getting her singing career going. I believe that she wrote a couple of songs for the current album release.

So don't blame her for writing lousy lines to the songs that she sings. She's just a "circus act"...part of the pop machine team. The people behind her scene are running the show and to the bank while they maintain their own privacy. Spears has lost her privacy while all she has to do is sing in the studio and, correct me if I'm wrong, lip sych and exercise on stage. I'd hate to be in her shoes and lose my privacy.
Oops! I cut one again! (I Played With Your Nose)

I can't say I hate A HORSE WITH NO NAME, or THE TIN MAN for that matter. While the tunes and arrangements are pleasantly mediocre (kind of like an ersatz Neil Young meets The Eagles), the plain dumbness of the lyrics is just baffling.

[This message has been edited by hixmix (edited 07-07-2000).]
Horse With No Name would have been a good tune except the lyrics blew..."for there ain't no one for to give you no pain"??????...jeeze they were real wordsmiths, weren't they.....MacArthur Park is for sure the worst song ever written period in the whole span of time ever completely no doubt.....remind me to never leave my cake out in the rain....gibs
"I's never did give nothin' to the tin man,
Nothin' that he already had
Cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of sir galahad"

just for a little clarification, not that it makes the song any better (even though I like that one!) it's "Oz never gave nothin' to the Tin Man..." you know, the Wizard of Oz gave him a heart, but I guess the point is is that he already had one. Whatever. I think this is an example of songwriting under the influence of chemicals. Same with "Horse With No Name" and "MacArthur Park."

I shouldn't have listed Richard Harris when I threw out MacArthur Park. He was the artist that had a hit with it (So did Donna Sommer with a disco version) but the real guy to blame for that song is writer Jimmy Webb.
MacArthur Park musta been real bad cause I remember the name but not the tune. Himix, that was great. I love bashing america, how
bout that name. Now if only I can get the recognition they recieved and the money they
made, I promise I will write the worst lyrics possible of me and forget about 500 chords.

Oz. You're right. Just looked it up at their website.

Two morons could argue endlessly whether "Oz never did give nothing to the tin man". But why?

The lyrics are dumb and badly written. In America's case, probably not enough chemicals.

I never said I didn't like them though.

On the other hand I think "MacArthur Park" is an overarranged piece of full blown out pseudo psychedelic 60's pomp delivered by a guy who can barely carry a tune but can expertly deliver a line.

[This message has been edited by hixmix (edited 07-07-2000).]
dammit dragonworks I remembered yet another all time great puke fest song...and these guys were good live, mind you, and had some pretty cool tunes..but Grand Funk Railroad's
"I'm Your Captain" (or as Mark sang it, "I'm yo captin")...was it long enough????...were the lyrics banal enough?????...did it imply cannibalism or desperate homo-erotica????...did anybody feel that Mark (as yo captin) truly felt his life was threatened by (shudder) mutineers????....I always felt that song was the white trash answer to "Tommy"..........gibs

[This message has been edited by gibs (edited 07-07-2000).]

Just thinking about the meaning of your topic
"most hated song".

Do you mean "hate" because a song is badly written, sung, produced, etc?

Or "hate" the song on a more personal, subjective, emotional, gut reactive level?

hxmx :]

[This message has been edited by hixmix (edited 07-08-2000).]
"Do The Tighten Up" by Archie Bell & The Drells
When that song went to number #1 and held that position for weeks I almost did a one-and-a-half gainer off the Ambassador Bridge. Whenever the axiom, 'Anything is possible' is mentioned that song always comes to mind.

Next time I'm yo captain comes on I will have to pay closer attention; I never gave it
that much attention and I want to see if I read into it what you mentioned or if you are really sick and need some kind a therapy.
Have you ever seperated therapist into the
Scooter. They onlyhave one song, but they give it out over and over again. Exactly same song, but with different words shouted over the music.

Scooter is without a doubt the worst band in recorded history to ever get a record deal.
What about Obituary... any song they have ever done. Although specifically I could say Threatening Skies..a triumphant effort. I believe the lyrics are:

bleargh blargh warrgh weergggh arrgghh
threatening skies

repeat until everyone's brains haemorrage.