

New member
Anyone care to share some insights in the process of cowriting songs? Even just an account of a cowriting process (successful or failed, both could be enlightening).

I've had mostly good experiences so far with collaborations...only one bad. You should try to find someone who has the same style as you.....and wants to go in the same direction. Be open to the other persons ideas. Sometimes two heads are better than one. But, if you feel that you don't like where the other person is going with an idea you have to speak honest or else in the end you won't be happy with the final product and there will be resentments.

It's is really a good idea to draft some kind of a collaboration agreement first stating how your collab will go and how you'll split the profits made if any. You can find a good example of one at
I've had a pretty interesting experience over the last year or so.

I've been working with another guitarist and he had been working on songs for a while, but all he had for any of them is the main guitar line. We recorded a bunch of them and I said I'd come up with a full arrangement based on what he put down - adding drums, bass, additional guitar lines, some solos, etc. We never really talked about what he was looking for, so I wasn't bound by any preconceived ideas. I just responded to what I heard.

Sometimes I gave him exactly what he was looking for, sometimes I took it in a direction he never expected. Once I've added my pieces he suggest tweaks and I'll tweak his tweaks, etc., but so far it has worked out really well.

This is my first real experience writing and it's been a good one. We haven't had much time to get together for a while so now I'm trying to write a few on my own. I'd like to see what he does with some basic ideas I give him (turn the tables, so to speak).