Need Constructive Criticism on this cover!


New member
Ok so I've been trying to figure out how to sing decent for a while now. Whenever I ask people in real life about my singing they say that they don't know what I could improve on.
I assume it's because they think I wouldn't take criticism well. Anyway I did a cover of a song (as seen below).

Please be honest with what I need to get better on. I really want to improve.

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Your voice is good.
A few notes were wrong, mostly when you switched from singing to speaking. Honestly I feel you're like a micropitch (.20 cents or so) the entire time, but it's right in that range where it's acceptable and barely noticeable yet something feels off.
The harmony isn't quite right at all.

You should get some pitch correction software. Not to correct the pitch, but to see if you're off so you know what to work on.

Your rhythm/timing was off at times, too. For that you should use a metronome or drum machine and sing along to it practicing different rhythms and phrasing.