Maximizing Time


21st Century Digital Boy
So of course the creative juices aren't flowing constantly. But I still try to make time for my music anyway. Something that's been really helpful for me has been to tap into the technical when I'm not feeling creative.

Whenever I get something new, whether it's hardware or software, I still act like an eager kid who can't wait to play with his new toy. So because of that, a lot of times I'll just skim the manual. What I've been doing more of lately has been going through them again. I find that I will either find something new that I didn't know about before or be reminded of something that I had forgotten... Or, something that I read about already will make a lot more sense now that I've used it for a bit!

Sometimes I'll get a start on one of my many I-gotta-do-that-one-of-these-days things. For example, Sony Acid has a drum map editor for mapping names to the note values of MIDI drums. I've had KitCore for a while now and had been meaning to get all those kits mapped so I know what I'm drawing on the timeline. I had an exceptionally busy week last week, so I didn't have time to lay down any tracks when I got home from work, so I got started on mapping. I'm about halfway done. And even though I'm not done with it yet, 50% is still a lot better than 0%.

Another thing I'll sometimes do is explore the software a little more thoroughly. I'll just poke around the menu, click on a menu option, and see where it goes. I usually find something I never knew about.

Anyway, I hope this helps make a better use of time!