Sound levels


New member
I am converting my single detached garage into a small recording studio used mainly for teaching and some small projects,there will be no structural change to the building but i may need change of use and need to know what level of noise outside the building would be within permitted level

I am pretty sure that's a question for your local government (township, city, borough, etc.). When you apply for approval to build and to get a permit, you'll find out.
Your city and county should have public codes you can consult to determine the specific DB level allowed.

Be aware that most communities have very vague ordinances that allow for noise complaints against noise levels that fall under a legal threshhold.

Make nice with the neighbors. It's cheaper than construction materials.
Be careful how you ask your questions.
Ask them generically...don't let on what you plan to do.

Like in my area...there is NO law about noise up to 10PM...and after 6:00AM
I had an idiot running a wood chipper on a Sunday morning at 7:00AM one day down the street...woke up EVERYBODY!
I called the State Police...they said there was no law.

But if you mention "music" or "band" or "recording studio" ...right away they're all bothered by the idea.
They’ll put up with A-holes running mowers all day long…but god forbid they hear some music!!! :D

So...don't let on...just ask if there are ordinances and what they are.
You may have more issues with operating a home biz than the noise. :)