Sorry another thread about help on a home recording booth


New member
Hello homerecording! I'm needing assistance in creating my own booth. I would like blueprints or a design on how to isolate all the sound from inside and outside the booth. Preferably I'd like to set this booth up in the corner not as an attatchment to the wall or anything. I'd like to have a roof and bottom to it. I would like it to be easily portable and disassemble be as easy as possible in case I do decide to move out in the future. I'd like it to have a door light vent etc etc.

Please include the price range, materials and everything I'll need to construct this. I don't want any of the PVC methods because I need the booth soundproof.

If theres more you need to know from me to help me construct the booth please drop your responses!

what size? weight restrictions? Transmission Loss required? Height limitations?

Happy to help... need more info.

Now you only need this if your doing full band live recordings. If your doing track by track you'll be wasting your money with a booth.

+1000. It'll just be a little crap-box otherwise. It'll sound terrible and perform no important function at all.


Did I misunderstand? Wouldn't having a booth help to minimize the room ambience? Wouldn't this be a good idea even if he was tracking individually?


If you are only using the 'booth' to cut room ambiance then get one of Ethan's PVBs or a reflexion filter.... BUT treat the room!

This should save you money, time, and shitty recordings. :D
