What's the best notes to use in a song?

Ok...I'm new here, so I'm still learning the degree of sarcasm that some members employ....and it runs pretty thick apparently.

Yes, that it does. Thick skin and all that. Welcome to the site.

I personally like whole notes because my fingers can't move fast anymore....

Pedal notes are the best, the ones you hold for a whole song.
See.... you cats.

You take a new note
Push it thru a horn.

Until it is worn.

Into a blue note.

Do I have to explain everything?

While it has taken me a while, I too am starting to appreciate the sense of humor here. Where I went astray before was not realizing that there were those who asked as mentioned simple question just to play the devils advocate. In all seriousness though I have picked up quite a few gems a long the way . . . don't ever change guys . . . life's to serious sometimes to take too serious.