Dylan's lyrics sell for 2 Million Dollars

Wow ... This kind of thing is so interesting to me -- the idea of attributing a value to something that far exceeds its actual, fundamental value. It reminds me of Tulip Mania a bit. Crazy stuff.
I remember when I was 14 and my older sister was explaining to me the situation in South Africa at the time. When I asked her how it came to be and she spoke of things like gold and diamonds, it seemed ludicrous to me that entire peoples could be oppressed because of bits of metal and rock in the ground, she agreed but added that if one puts a particular value on something, then to that person or persons, it's valuable. There's no rhyme nor reason to it and people will kill for what they hold to be valuable, even if everyone else thinks it's just a load of rock or metal.
Dylan's hand written lyrics are worthless to you and I. But obviously not everyone feels that way. If I found the sandals Jesus wore the day he got arrested, they wouldn't mean a thing to me but you can bet your life many would imbue it with mystical legendariness and it would accrue a value that
far exceeds its actual, fundamental value
Interestingly, while I think it's plain ridiculous to buy something like an old lyric sheet for two mil, I'd sell them for two mil !