DMP3 into iPad?


New member
I have been using my trusty M-Audio DMP3 preamp for years. Just got an iPad, and am wondering if there is a way I can run the DMP3 signal into the iPad for recording? I have a camera connection kit already, but have gotten overwhelmed at the options from here. Any low-noise suggestions? Thanks! Drew
If memory serves the camera connection kit provides the iPad with a USB connection, but NOT a powered USB connection. Keep that in mind going forward.

As I'm sure you're aware the DMP3 is wholly analog. You need a plug-and-play class-compliant audio device similar to the Sound Devices USBPre 2 to bridge the analog output of the DMP3 to the digital world of the iPad.

The following link may provide some pointers. Or not. Luck.

USBPre 2 with Apple iPad | Sound Devices Technical Notes | Sound Devices, LLC