Single track line to record vocals to


New member
K, this im sure this is a real newbie question but when it comes to Vocals, I am not the greatest singer and this last tune I am recording Im having problems staying in key.

It’s a loud grungy punk tune with muddy guitars.

Do any of you folks record a single clean guitar track that mimics the Vocals to sing along to while recording and the delete the clean guitar track from the final mix?

Is this a sign of weakness from the singers perspective?

Just curious.
I never do that, but i can't see any reason why you wouldn't if it works for you.

Are you using headphones when you record? Lots of people find it easier to take one side of the headphones off so you can hear the backing track, and your real voice in the room.

It can be off-putting if you're only hearing yourself through the cans.