Ringos EQ settingings

Has anyone out there ever tried to reproduce the sound of Ringo's drums on early Beatles songs e.g. With the Beatles. I've been trying just for fun sometimes I think I'm close then I go naaa that's not it. I'm new at this stuff. I use a 1971 set of Ludwig maples with Remo ambassador heads.
and a 2488 Tascam neo. This post is just an academic question to see what others may have found. thanks to all.

I have been following this thread for 2 weeks and I have just realised what it is that makes the Ringo drum sound .........It's the Tie. Check it out in the photo, all you have to do is get a tie like this and you will be just like Ringo.

I have been following this thread for 2 weeks and I have just realised what it is that makes the Ringo drum sound .........It's the Tie. Check it out in the photo, all you have to do is get a tie like this and you will be just like Ringo.


I think it's a combination of the tie, the smile and the rings. I've tried the smile and the rings - now I gotta do the tie. Wish me luck guys, I'm going in!