Help on interviewing someone over Skype on podcast!

delirium trigge

New member
Hello, I am doing an interview for my podcast with a major person, so I do NOT want to screw it up.

My podcast sounds really good but I've never done a Skype call with it. I run two Macbook computers, i run different types of cables to do this. For example, in Macbook 1, I am recording with my Rode-nt1000 into my tube pre amp, into the safari pro 40, into Logic Pro x.

On the second computer, I trigger it to play clips on the podcast from YouTube or wherever. I hook the regular audio out of that one with a 3.5mm to two XLR cables into the safari pro 40 and put it on track two.

In this case I am not sure what to do. I have a Zoom h6, so if I need to record the Skype call into it, that's fine. But I need him to hear me through my mic. If I do it the way I do it with clips, I'll hear him, but he won't hear me, because my mic is on another computer, but the computer he's on is going to computer one through the two XLR's.

I don't mind not using Logic Pro for this, I can do it all on the Zoom h6 field recorder if needed and bring it into final cut pro to mix and compress.

Please help me with this it comes up in a week.
Set up a mic for skype on laptop 1, record the audio output of laptop 1 into laptop 2 via the interface. Should get the audio from both ends of the conversation.

Set up another mic for laptop 2 to record your end of the audio, via the preamp and interface for high quality podcast audio. Replace your speech from Laptop 1 with the audio from the second mic on laptop 2.
Should all work, but you'll have to be careful about editing/speaking over each other.

You could just use the built-in mic/audio on laptop 1.

Also, the audio quality will be limited by skype, so setting up a really nice mic for him to hear you won't be the limiting factor.
You could set Skype up to use your mac onboard digital output as the output path, then loop that back to the saffire digital input.
Your Skype input would be the saffire as normal so the guy can hear you 'direct'.

That way logic would let you see your microphone as normal on input one, your second laptop on line inputs 3+4 (or whatever) and the incoming Skype audio via digital input.
Of course you'd have to be record armed and monitoring all those channels to hear everything.
(*I don't know if the mac digital output is s/pdif or what it is - you'd need to sus that out first*)

If the above is no good you can do the exactly the same thing but use soundflower instead of the digital loop.
Sound flower is a kind of virtual bus software and it's free.
The only difference is you'd have to create an aggregate device of your saffire and sound flower so that logic can see all the inputs.

Needless to say, do a few test calls and recordings with a friend well in advance of the real deal.
This is good advice. I am going to do some test calls before next week when this goes down. I am thinking about using a Lav mic, the Rode Lav mic that they make, for him to hear me. However, recording the good audio with the Nt-1000. Then editing out the lav mic.

To the second comment, that sounds interesting. I can go out of the second macbook in any type of way. I have a fairly nice home studio with pretty much every connection you can think of. I can go out of it via 3.5mm to two XLR's. Or I can use a different interface on it, to send a spidif out. I should have no latency as the Saffire on computer 1 allows for no latency, and I mute Logic while it's recording, and hear the inputs via the digital mixer on the saffire, which is before it even hits logic.

I would like to record it all in logic, so I can send two outputs of the saffire to the zoom h6. Because I want to have a backup incase something goes wrong. It took a while to get this guy on my podcast, and he is a well known author. It would suck bad if he came on and something happened.

There is an issue which I can't figure out, what if I want to play clips, as I do on my podcast, but I want him to hear these clips as well?

Now keep in mind, the Saffire interface, has a digital mixer. It is like a regular analog mixer. In other words, it's not just an interface, it can work as a mixer, before it hits any DAW. I can make the outputs whatever I want. For example, I can send my mic out of 4 outputs or 10 outputs. It lets me route whatever input to whatever output, and the digital mixer software allows me to control volume as well as set up all the routes.

I know the audio quality will be limited on Skype, however, it will be limited in how he can hear me. I want me to sound clear the way I sound on a podcast by myself. He can sound like a Skype call, that doesn't matter.
Now keep in mind, the Saffire interface, has a digital mixer. It is like a regular analog mixer. In other words, it's not just an interface, it can work as a mixer, before it hits any DAW. I can make the outputs whatever I want. For example, I can send my mic out of 4 outputs or 10 outputs. It lets me route whatever input to whatever output, and the digital mixer software allows me to control volume as well as set up all the routes.

If you don't mind me asking, does your mac allow you to choose particular inputs and outputs on that saffire in apps like Skype, or even in audio/midi setup?
My motu interface just shows as 'motu 828' and it defaults to inputs 1+2 and outputs 1+2.

Obviously it's not an issue in a DAW or something but for Skype/facetime/gaming I'm forced to use input 1 or 2.

There is an issue which I can't figure out, what if I want to play clips, as I do on my podcast, but I want him to hear these clips as well?
That's a bit trickier. Hmm.

Maybe it's best to do the whole thing in logic using an aggregate device of the saffire and sound flower.

  • Mic goes to Saffire 1 - into logic
  • Second mac goes to analog 1+2 or whatever - into logic
  • Skype output goes to SoundFlower 1+2 - into logic
  • Anything you want the guy to hear goes to SoundFlower 1+2 from within logic.
  • Set both Skype I/O to SoundFlower 1+2.

*note, sound flower ins and outs are totally separate. You won't get a feedback loop or anything.

Seems like the simplest way to me.
You can get your ins and outs organised in advance and even save the session so all you have to do on the day is open up and arm the tracks.

I want me to sound clear the way I sound on a podcast by myself. He can sound like a Skype call, that doesn't matter.
Go with the above. That way he's getting a post-logic output so you can have your eqs/comps etc all set up in advance. :)

This also means you can have a multitrack backup if you like, and if your zoom is capable.
You can send each individual element of the 'mix' to spare line outs for backup recording purposes. :)
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If time is of the essence then installing and possibly troubleshooting software will add complication/complexity - even if it's simple software (which soundflower is, relatively) then it will add another thing to go wrong.

As for the clips...well, you have a smartphone/tablet? Wire it in to play audio, OR send him the clips in advance and get him to play them on his end then edit the video/audio (use playing the clip as a distraction to cover up rough edits maybe) and edit out the pauses.

Sending them to him might be a slight imposition, but it will mean he has access to full quality clips - you can probably send him a link via skype text chat when you guys are setting up.
If time is of the essence then installing and possibly troubleshooting software will add complication/complexity - even if it's simple software (which soundflower is, relatively) then it will add another thing to go wrong.
I don't really see how. Sound flower is pretty simple as you say but, once it's set up, I can't see how it would go wrong.

As for the clips...well, you have a smartphone/tablet? Wire it in to play audio,

He has a second laptop to play the clips from. Smartphone/tablet would be fine but there's already a solution in place.

OR send him the clips in advance and get him to play them on his end then edit the video/audio (use playing the clip as a distraction to cover up rough edits maybe) and edit out the pauses.

If you're talking about things to go wrong I wouldn't send the guy clips
1: It probably is an imposition.
2: How is he going to route that down the 'phone line'?
3: Even if he does, it'll be Skype quality. OK, OP can replace it later, but why bother?
4: There's massive potential for the guy to mess it up.
I'm always a believer that if you have to do something even vaguely complex in a bit of a hurry then keep things as simple as possible - yes, soundflower shouldnt go wrong, but neither should any number of other programs. And yet they still do for a great many people...

It's all a bit of a moot point now as I'm sure OP has it figured out, one way or another.
I'd be interested to hear how it went/what setup they went for.
Well, the podcast got delayed another week due to a death in my family. So, I have longer to figure this out. It does show me multiple inputs and outputs in the settings.

I do have it figured out although I do not know if the way I am doing it is the best way and will experiment with other ways. This is what I'm doing:

Computer 1 has Logic Pro X running, the Rode NT-1000 through the MPA II pre amp recording my voice. It has the saffire pro 40 connected to it via firewire. I have two outputs routed just like the monitor outputs, they go into the Zoom h6 for backup recording.

Computer two, I am using a 3.5mm to two XLR's into the saffire pro 40, so it is also recording in Logic on computer 1. However, the person I'm speaking to can't hear me on computer 1's mic. He will be hearing me on the Rode Smart Lav, which is an iPhone lav mic, but I have an adapter to plug it into the mac.

Once I edit it, I will cut out the Lav. If there is any delay going on I will line everything up correctly. I will not be monitoring mic 1, as there could be delay. I will be hearing myself on the Lav mic that he is hearing me through.

If something goes wrong with Logic, everything will record on the Zoom h6 in stereo.

I would like to figure out a way to play clips on the podcast where he can hear them. I play clips on there now, but I never have with a guest.
If I use a second interface, like the M-Audio fast track Pro on computer 2, would it be possible to play the clips through that and him hear them over Skype?
Well, the podcast got delayed another week due to a death in my family. So, I have longer to figure this out. It does show me multiple inputs and outputs in the settings.

I do have it figured out although I do not know if the way I am doing it is the best way and will experiment with other ways. This is what I'm doing:

Computer 1 has Logic Pro X running, the Rode NT-1000 through the MPA II pre amp recording my voice. It has the saffire pro 40 connected to it via firewire. I have two outputs routed just like the monitor outputs, they go into the Zoom h6 for backup recording.

Computer two, I am using a 3.5mm to two XLR's into the saffire pro 40, so it is also recording in Logic on computer 1. However, the person I'm speaking to can't hear me on computer 1's mic. He will be hearing me on the Rode Smart Lav, which is an iPhone lav mic, but I have an adapter to plug it into the mac.

Once I edit it, I will cut out the Lav. If there is any delay going on I will line everything up correctly. I will not be monitoring mic 1, as there could be delay. I will be hearing myself on the Lav mic that he is hearing me through.

If something goes wrong with Logic, everything will record on the Zoom h6 in stereo.

I would like to figure out a way to play clips on the podcast where he can hear them. I play clips on there now, but I never have with a guest.

Hey, I'm very sorry to hear about that. Hope everyone's holding up.

Unless I've missed something or muddled something up, I think my solution address the problem.
It gives you the complete flexibility to send anything you want to the other guy via Skype, whilst recording everything on separate tracks too.
You can have full 'production' on all parts' so what he hears is nice. Voice eq/compression, ducking compression for your music/clips? Whatever you fancy. :)
It also eliminates the need for multiple mics at your end and affords you the option of taking multitrack backups pretty conveniently and in real time.

If I use a second interface, like the M-Audio fast track Pro on computer 2, would it be possible to play the clips through that and him hear them over Skype?
Sure. You can play the clips out whatever way you like as long as they get to the interface on the main computer.
Line out jack to line ins, an interface out to line ins, digital.....whatever. :)

I wouldn't use 3.5mm to twin XLR, though.
XLR on these interfaces expects mic level input so you'll probably just distort on the way in, plus there's the added danger of accidentally hitting your laptop (or other interface) with phantom power.
Go 3.5 to twin TS, or use that other interface and twin TRS to TRS.
Yeah, I've always used the 3.5mm to two XLR's to play clips on the podcast, but I may not do that this time. I can use the M audio fast track pro on computer 2, send the monitor outputs to the saffire pro 40 on computer 1.

It never does distort or anything using the XLR though. I keep it really low so it records on computer 1 at around -12. I won't hit it with phantom power, I don't use phantom power on any interface. The way I get phantom power on my main mic is from the Art MPA ii pre amp. It goes XLR from the mic in, and the output is TRS to input 3 on the saffire pro 40. However, because the saffire pro 40 has a digital mixer which lets me route whatever I want, I can route that mic to any input and any output.

Here is a picture of what the mixer looks like to give you an idea. Keep in mind, everything seen here, is BEFORE it hits the daw. Some of it doesn't even have to go through the daw if I don't want it to.

Also the Zoom h6 can be used as a mixer. I have a zoom h4n for backup recorder if needed as well.

Also, I'm considering what you're saying about sound flower, but I'm not understanding how that is enabling something that the digital mixer won't?
Yeah, I've always used the 3.5mm to two XLR's to play clips on the podcast, but I may not do that this time. I can use the M audio fast track pro on computer 2, send the monitor outputs to the saffire pro 40 on computer 1.

It never does distort or anything using the XLR though. I keep it really low so it records on computer 1 at around -12. I won't hit it with phantom power, I don't use phantom power on any interface. The way I get phantom power on my main mic is from the Art MPA ii pre amp. It goes XLR from the mic in, and the output is TRS to input 3 on the saffire pro 40. However, because the saffire pro 40 has a digital mixer which lets me route whatever I want, I can route that mic to any input and any output.

Here is a picture of what the mixer looks like to give you an idea. Keep in mind, everything seen here, is BEFORE it hits the daw. Some of it doesn't even have to go through the daw if I don't want it to.

Also the Zoom h6 can be used as a mixer. I have a zoom h4n for backup recorder if needed as well.

Hey, it may come down to different strokes but I definitely prefer my way to yours.
I understand the benefit of the mixer where you route things wherever you want pre-daw, but pre-daw is the point.
May way everything goes through the DAW which may seem like a drawback but, I think, for a podcast like you're doing it's a bonus.

Personally I'd completely ditch the software pictured and go inside logic.
Also, I'm considering what you're saying about sound flower, but I'm not understanding how that is enabling something that the digital mixer won't?

Ah, OK, I see.

Basically using sound flower means you can have everything arrive at your DAW, be heard (if you want), be recorded, be processed on the fly and be backup recorded in as good as real time.
Once it's all going on in there, you use sound flower as an output for what the interviewee hears.

So, you're sitting looking at logic with his voice, your voice, your music, your clips etc all going on on separate tracks. You've got your eqs, comps etc.
Anything going to out 1+2 is what you hear, but anything going to sound flower 1+2 is what he hears.

Yeah, it's pretty much the same as using your pictured software, but everything gets recorded down and you've got real time processing so you sound nice to the guy on the 'phone'.

I may have underestimated the Saffire mixer as I'm not completely familiar with it. Apologies if I have.
I do go inside of logic, but the digital mixer is different than what Logic does. Basically, it's just like having an analog mixer, just think of it as that, it routes, re routes, etc.

But I just now thought about this idea. Let me try to lay this out correctly, what about this?:

Computer 1, Saffire pro 40, digital mixer, Main podcast mic, also web browser for playing clips from youtube or whatever website. Output Saffire pro 40 to computer 2, into the M-Audio Fast Track Pro. Select that as input on Skype. Skype being on computer 2. Output M-audio fast track pro to Zoom h6 to record it.

Now, he would be able to hear me on my main mic, the clips, etc, correct? Or would there be some kind of latency I would need to worry about?
I do go inside of logic, but the digital mixer is different than what Logic does. Basically, it's just like having an analog mixer, just think of it as that, it routes, re routes, etc.

But I just now thought about this idea. Let me try to lay this out correctly, what about this?:

Computer 1, Saffire pro 40, digital mixer, Main podcast mic, also web browser for playing clips from youtube or whatever website. Output Saffire pro 40 to computer 2, into the M-Audio Fast Track Pro. Select that as input on Skype. Skype being on computer 2. Output M-audio fast track pro to Zoom h6 to record it.

Now, he would be able to hear me on my main mic, the clips, etc, correct? Or would there be some kind of latency I would need to worry about?

I guess that should work but, if I understand correctly, you're going to end up with a 'mixed' recording of his voice, your voice and your browser output.
I don't see the advantage, but then I don't know how important post production is to you.
I guess that should work but, if I understand correctly, you're going to end up with a 'mixed' recording of his voice, your voice and your browser output.
I don't see the advantage, but then I don't know how important post production is to you.

Okay, I've decided to get sound flower. However, I'm still confused on how this works. How do I make soundflower record Skype into Logic, with him hearing my voice but not hearing his own? Also, how would I get the browser clips to record into logic with sound flower?
Also, before you answer the sound flower question can you point me to an official Mac download link? There are a bunch of them. I have made the mistake before of downloading an unofficial one that appeared to be the software I wanted but was really a trojan horse that made my mac go crazy. I can't seem to find sound flower on an official site, especially the new one.

I am running mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.2