Why no one tell that music is recorded in stereo?


New member
Lets be clear. Even if you make computer beats without any real instrument you gotta record that masterpiece.

Am I right?
If you are creating music without real instruments, but just using samples and loops, you eventually have to turn it into a tangible form so that you can do something with it. That usually means rendering it to a stereo WAV file, from which you can then do things like make a CD.
Thanks for your reply. But I meant the recording. Let's be clear a song made on a computer sounds like a MIDI. Like a live sound. And all the tracks by popular artists sound like the record.
Like a MIDI? What are we taking about? That is hit and pitch information? No sound.

Midi can be used to requantize the performance to perfect time.
Absolute rubbish. Understandable I think - and people have been saying this since MIDI was invented, but MIDI is just a communication language and like any real language, has the ability to be used beautifully or rather awkwardly. MIDI gets blamed all the time for mechanical, unrealistic performances. The blame for this is 100% the producer's. I can only speak for my experience but I produce lots of piano music - played by a real concert pianist, and some is recorded on his Yamaha grand piano and some is produced inside the computer, driven via MIDI from a keyboard. I cannot tell which is which now we have lots of recordings without opening the cubase files, as we didn't actually write it down! MIDI gets a bad rep as somehow being awful, and it absolutely is NOT!

A track sounding like a live recording or a record is a totally different thing - but again, it's down to the skill of the recordist or editor. The quality of sampled and synthesised sound produced inside the computer is now so good (assuming you spend a few quid) that it's impossible to tell. In fact, the quality of some packages now is so good that I could not record it as well in my humble studio with it's small space, less good acoustics and probably not as good player!
I'm not sure it was nonsense. It's just that what you were thinking didn't translate too well in the words you wrote, so I, for one, had trouble figuring out what you were trying to say..