Mixing Board?


New member
I don't really want to have mixing board.. Are the ones in Cakewalk 8 and Qbase vst good enough to get by?

Which is better Cubase VST 24 or Cakewalk pro audio 8?

What sound card do I get If I want 24 bit anolog and MIDI?


The Cakewalk mixer (or console view as it's called) works, but it's a little tricky to mix that way. Peavy makes as controller board that you can use with Cakewalk to move the sliders.

Cubase VST will allow you to control the faders and many other functions with just about any MIDI device. The Roland MCR-8 is a good example. You can pull the faders on the MCR-8 and they move in the software.

I hope this helps!

Conrad Josepi