Looking for microphone suggestions, recording speach in crowded place - restaurant


New member

i'm looking for microphone that i can built in in a device with speach detection module.
Tried few already but resoults are not good enough. I'm having trouble with cutting background sound so the speach is well audible

Environment is quite difficult - lets say its a restaurant like Mcdonald with many customers arround.

Device is runing standard win10 with USB ports available.

Customer is standing directly opposite the device about 30-60 cm away from mic.

Regards !
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You're going to be stuck. You have available two distinct techniques for isolating wanted from unwanted audio. You remove the unwanted audio by mix design - usually done by tailoring a polar pattern and perhaps using cancellation techniques. Shotgun mics - where the solution is a long, thin microphone that needs careful aiming. The other technique is dependant on physical proximity to the wanted sound, and then reduction of sound coming from the other directions. Neither is pretty. I have no idea what a 'speech detection module' is - unless you mean the designs used in things like Alexa, which can pick out commands quite well? These of course tend to use complex processing to get recognisable audio they can process. My understanding is that the processing and filtering is good for recognition, but no use at all for quality audio capture. I've never seen these sold as products.

Broadcast and sound recordists have this problem as a permanent one, and a shotgun is still the preferred solution. Are you expecting something different off the shelf?