Importing MIDI files to Cubasis

In all versions of Cubase it's done from the file menu, and import midi file (on some it's import, then midi file). If your system is set up with external midi devices then if they're in place, the midi file will play from the first device in the list - which hopefully will have GM sounds, if that's the kind of file you are importing. If your system, like mine, has lots of sounds producing devices, external and internal, then very often the file loads in with the wrong synth selected - which might just mean every voice is piano! If so, you just go through each track and select the right sound gizmo with the inspector panel. Saving the file as a cubase file, and not a midi file will permanise (made that up) the choices you made.

Make sure the track is at the start, because MIDI import will stick the MIDI file at the cursor position, or left point depending on version. Cubasis is a little old now, I'd suggest LE might be more friendly.