?fd-8 optical adat ins, or any optical ins?


New member
This is a somewhat retarded question with a simple answer.
When I take off the cap for the adat lightpipe in, should I see a glowing red light?

There is none. But a light does glow in the adat optical out. I would like to hook up a digital mixer in the future. And if it doesn't work, I'll have to get it fixed quick, to meet warranty return requirements.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. I would be happy to share my meager wealth of knowledge in return.

Thanks, but I will pass.....

Just kidding....anyway....

The idea of optical outs having a light, and the in's is that the ouputs transmit light pulses to the input of the other unit......slick eh? :)

It would appear that all is well with your gear.

Now just to talk you out of some junky digital mixer.......:(

At the risk of restating the obvious, just in case what sonusman said isn't completely crystal clear, the optical out is sending signals out so it should be flashing light pulses... while the optical in is waiting to observe light coming in, so it wouldn't be flashing any lights of its own.
optical and all that

Thanks, I have pleasant analog past and sometimes these digital things throw me an unexpected curve.

I just freaked because I saw a picture on the fostex web page with both the in and out glowing red. I was worried because I bought a discounted floor model, and thought it might have been too sweet a deal. Shopping for music gear is like shopping for used cars.