Do different plugins sound different?


New member
I have Fabfilters, and was wondering for example, do different eq plugins sound different - some better than others?

If so, do I have pretty good one, or should I upgrade to something else?
How are Wave plugins compared to Fabfilters?

Thanks in advance...
Yes, if they didn't sound different and have different GUIs, then what would be the point? Can YOU hear the difference? What's your monitoring situation - speakers, headphones, treated room...
Fabfilter is top of the line for it's particular use, however, developers such as Waves have been generating their own algo's with their own "character" to the sound. I recommend experimenting with demo versions of things that you think might be helpful or inspiring because of their particular take on whatever type of plugin it is.
"I find it puzzling that you would spend a fair bit of money on a VST without knowing how it compares with others. Normally that's the sort of thing you would find out first." Yes indeed. Makes one wonder. Anyway, Acustica makes some really good EQ plugins. A lot of software companies do now, here in 2020. Acustica's plugs are some really good bang for the buck too.
Yes, if they didn't sound different and have different GUIs, then what would be the point?

I wouldn't go toooooooo far with the first half of that. You can null an awful lot of these, but the second half can make things quicker, easier, more likely to get the results you want