Suggestions on a mix

Posted the wrong version, fixed it. Any suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds pretty good, but if you're asking for my two cent suggestions, here they are:

The drums are a bit out front for my taste.

I might layer on some more vocal tracks when the octave below vocals come in in the first part. It seems like it's trying to hit an emphasis there that's not coming through with just the main vocal track and the one below it.

Later on during the rocking part the vocals sound a bit over reverbed to my ear. I might tone the reverb back and experiment with some other processing or double tracking if you're trying to fill out thinner vocals.
I agree with Briski, the drums covering up the vocals, at least in the beginning. bring the drums down and vocals up. maybe eq the main vocal and double track it to thicken it up. sounds good though!