Please Listen To My First Songs! (16yr Old)


New member
Whats up guys/girls.... i just put up my own music on myspace and need some feedback on what u think!!! please critisize me!! thanks again... i only have 2 songs up "let her go" and "99"... the link is below!! and if u have a myspace account add me! hehe thanks
I like the songs. What kind of criticism are you looking for? The recording needs some work, but i'm guessing you're not trying to make it sound like a professional track right now.
Vocals are too distant & the guitars too far up front.
Some mistakes in the guitar playing.
Good song ideas.
What are you recording into?
Is it multitracked? With recording info I can offer suggestions about levels, EQ, effects etc.
More detail please.

Hey yeah i wasent too specific but yeah i know the recording isint pro at all, but i just wanna get feedback on the song itself, i used some cheap free recording software... later