Please critique my mix! (Metal-ish)

Very nice mix. Guitars are thick and punchy. That's the problem I'm tackling right now...guitar sound. Sounds like you've got that nailed down.

Thanks for the picture of your 'studio'...but I was wondering...can you post another picture of the posters on your wall? :D

Your so right - It's definaltey not about having thousands and thousands of pounds worth of tools, it's how you use the gear you've got effectivley!

As well as this, If I attempted to record, for example, a Jazz band, it'd probably sound shocking!
Basically all of my recording experiance has been steered towards producing stereotypical metal type sounds, and that's definatley where most of knowledge is at.

I great example of the 'It isn't about how much you've got, it's how you use it' theory is when my old band luckily got a recording slot at the BBC studios in Manchester via my friends dad who works in there (A good couple of years ago).
Man, this place was LUSHHH, I almost fainted when I went in. The gear was unbelievable, they'd just got a whole new desk/console worth over 1/4 of a million for a start!! We were one of the first bands in there to use it..

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the 3 tracks we made in there sounded pretty awful! The engineer (my friends dad) didn't have much of an idea of what we were after sound wise (granted, we should have showed him some examples on CD or something)... And the techniques he was using to capture our sound was a little bizzare.

I couldn't believe that my sub £2000 setup was totally out-doing a studio like this! I thaught everyone recording in a lush studio like this was automatically going to sound AMAZING, simply because everything was worth top dollar... How wrong was I? :D

Obviously the BBC studio's could totally blow my setup results out of the water if used properly... But you know what I mean!

David Katauskas said:
Very nice mix. Guitars are thick and punchy. That's the problem I'm tackling right now...guitar sound. Sounds like you've got that nailed down.

Thanks for the picture of your 'studio'...but I was wondering...can you post another picture of the posters on your wall? :D

Thanks for the cool words David!

Hahaha! ;) Unfortunatley I don't have any better pictures of that poster :P

james_macka said:
Studio Projects B1
Ibanez RG into mixture of Peavey 5150 w/ Laney 2x12 cab & Amplitube for guitars.
Shite speakers here at work, but it always gives me hope to hear people making good recordings with limited gear.

So were you micing the 2x12 with the B1 clean, and then processing it using amplitube?
Cheers. Nah - I use the 5150's Lead channel through the Laney 2x12 mic'd with the B1 for the majority of the rythm stuff.

Any 'extras' (Leads, Melodies etc..) are usually done with amplitube.

Killer mix, I dig the rhythm guitar sound, it's nice and fat. Drums sound really good as well. Good Job. The vocal style is not my cup of tea, but it's great for what you're after, I may be the only one, but I think that for this music the vocal level is just fine! Gotta remember that we listen to this music really LOUD!! :D :D :D