peer to peer ftp???

how do i set one up on my computer so my friends can download whatever they like? i havea a couple on my computer but i don't know how to use em. read the help files but the interface is confusing as hell. i have fast stream netfile and ace ftp.

ace ftp-----

fast stream netfiles-----

does anyone know of a good freeware that's not complicated and please leave me detailed instructions on how to get my friends hooked up to me. thanks in advance.

i tried aim but it is slow as hell when it comes to transferring huge files. is that what to expect from other ftp sharewares?

what's a good site to pay for space on the internet?
i don't see why AIM would be any slower than any other method. it's over the same protocols as anything you transfer or download over the web.

maybe your ISP caps your upload speed?