'Nother one..."Shadow of a Dead Rose"


Well-known member
Shadow of a Dead Rose

All comments welcome. This one is fairly far along into production...so please comment on the littlest seemingly insignificant thing. I'm still working the mix. It ALL helps.


Ok i listened didn't like it as much as the other one however i am basing my opinion on the overall song and not the quality of the recording on both songs.
You have a damn fine mix going on there. I haven’t heard the other versions, only this one.

The only thing I would do different is to pan the drums more narrow. When I listen to recorded music, I like to close my eyes and imagine that I am sitting in front of the band at a live show. Since the drums are usually in the middle of the stage, that’s the direction they should come from on the recording. They do need some panning for reality, you don’t want it to sound drab, but not from the far sides of the stage.

The vocals are up front real good but almost too much in my face. I know you want them to be the center of attention but, when I try to focus my attention on any other instrument; they are at the verge of not allowing it. That guys’ voice cuts through naturally so when they are pushed forward in the recording, they seem to be demanding my attention a little more than they need to. You need to be careful with tweaking this one because it is easy to get them too far back also. There must be a happy medium in there somewhere.

Everything else is right there in the groove. You sure found the sweet spot. It’s an enjoyable tune and easy to listen to. Many folks will walk away with it stuck in their heads.
Nice groove dude :)

I agree on the vocals. The singer will put himself upfront without the actual volume boost.

The drum panning thing didn't bother me really. However, there's one thing that did kindoff bother me. Everything seems to be upfront in the mix. There's nothing that's even only a few foot away. The guitars sound close miced (nothing wrong with that), and so do the drums, vocals and piano. Can't really detect any reverb anywhere other than a bit on the vocals?
Perhaps the drums didn't bother you because I'd already narrowed the pan on them to 55/60. :)

I trimmed the vocal back 1.5db too from the original...cautiously trying to keep the balance just on this side of hearing them. (I DO listen and act on suggestions. Thanks Rawdepth!)

There is a ton of stuff going on in this mix, so I've purposefully kept it really dry...as reverb can obfuscate and reduce sonic contrast. But I'm curious as to what you feel could/should have it added.

It's easy for me to change things, as there is no one else's ego to consider. I'm the guy doing everything (save the drums)...so I only have myself to complain to.


I brought the lead vocal back even further (given Halion's comment about the vocal still being out front...even AFTER I'd trimmed it back).

New mix is up.

Does it still cut through enough? Is it still too "there"?


K-dub said:
New mix is up.

I’m still hearing the first version. It sounds like nothing has changed. Could you give us a new link?

I think what’s going on is…when we first clicked on the link in your original post, it downloaded the song to our temporary files folder or someplace like that on our hard drives. Then when we click on it a second time, (even know you’ve updated the link,) it still plays the same song again straight from our hard drive.
I've changed the link above and filename slightly...adding the version number to both. That should prevent that from occurring again. Your computer won't interpret a slightly different filename as the same.

Whoops, I didn't know that there was a time limit on editing. I couldn't get back into the first post.

Here's the new link:

Shadow of a Dead Rose
