New account...please tell me what you think


This is pretty "artsy".

Its hard for me to critiqe a mix full of electronic sounds, because theyre all so prominent.

So all i can do is critiqe the material itself.

I dont like it.

But im sure someone is going to think that it is witty and interesting.

OpinionsShminions eh?

Thanks...(I think?)

Wow. First time I ever got anything other than "dude...that really sux", so i'm gaining by leaps and bounds. lmao. If you merely didnt like it before, you'll absolutely hate it now...I added the obvious samples it was asking for, and i feel i can safely say it will not be critically acclaimed, yet oddly appeal to boys in junior high school (lmao). When all else fails, lower your standards and shoot for the lowest common denominator, i say.

the updated link:

anyone else wanna brave this one?
had it loud and in the a few strange looks..on the end bit..wish i read the comments beforehand!!

yah. Thanks for the listen. To quote from "the cowboy way movie" :

"ya oughta look before you stick something in yer ear" lol

hm...if i add a post here, ill get back near the top of the list so i have a chance someone will listen