Need suggestions for mix


New member
Edit: So here's how the new mix sounds after taking in all the suggestions. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to redo vocals yet, so that will have to wait for another day. Btw, sorry cross i laid down the bass track 2 days ago and just saw your post today.
2nd mix

This is a song I started recording for my band earlier today. Any tips on how to improve the mix would be greatly appreciated, and btw I realized the organ for the solo part sucks, we're gonna change that eventually.
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your drums sound pretty much mono to me. The hi-hat for example would sit much better in the mix if it were to one side or the other, and if you've got any overheads, they need to be panned out wider.

Yes, as has been said there's too much organ!

The vocal part might benefit from doing a few more takes, and then editing together one complete part from those, giving you the best of each, just because there are a few tuning issues in places.

Not bad for a start though. Keep tweaking, rerecording and refining!
Thanks for all the replies guys, I'll have to fix the organ and piano levels and redoing some of the vocals.
I don't hear a bass part in there? Am I missing it? If you don't have a bass player, I would suggest some type of over dubbed synth bass part. It will make everything else sound fuller and smooth out the track a bit. Even just a simple pad playing the root changes. I may be unbiased since I'm a bass player. Haha
Cross, lol no there actually isn't a bass part in there as we don't have a bass player so I haven't recorded a bass part yet, but I agree completely in recordings you definitely need a bass to fill out the sound, even the doors used a bass player on their records.