more streaming x-mas music

Hmmm, not a bad idea... but it is soooo repetitive... it should be 1:30 at most unless you do something to vary it. Have an intro... have solos... have other instruments play the melody... harmonize the melody... something to add interest. Also, I think the B part with that strong shift (where the lyrics go "ohhhh -ohhh" just before "Star of Wonder, Star of Night...") really makes this tune, and you smother that in your version. Maybe have a ritard, or a bar of another meter to make it pull up short before moving into the B section...

Just some ideas. I'm trying to make some of my own Christmas recordings too, so I'm interested to hear what others are doing...
Definitely much more interesting... more going on rhythmically, I like the turnaround accents...
My brothers are my "sidemen".I buy them dinner and then we see how many tracks I can get out them, about twice a week.My mileage really DOES vary.For some reason,a steak dinner produces better takes than a trip to the cafeteria!
I am very improvisation oriented.Hit that big red button and let it fly...
Thanks again for the comments AlChuck.