Melodic Metal with Angelic Vocals


New member
The Spell is a song from my online collaboration project. It's a straightforward metal song with a sweet female vocal and a blistering guitar solo.

What needs fixed for next time?

and you can't hurt my feelings. :)
I can hurt your feelings. Because I followed that link and it took me to a description of your band, but there was no music. Sorry.
My suggestions for your tune:

New singer (sorry, her voice irked me the wrong way, I don't know why, this might be helped by taking the other suggestions into account)

SPEED UP, that was the most dragged out boring metal song I have EVER heard, sorry. If it was 50 BPM faster it could have been a lot better.

GET A BASS! That bass soundfont sounds horrible.

The guitars sounded OK for the context.

Either by cutting parts out of speeding it up, get it shorter, that song was just plain DRAGGED OUT and long. Now I am a person who LOVES Dream Theater, and can VERY MUCH sit through a long song and be entertained, but this one didnt do it it for me at all, it was too slow and repetitive.

The song inside itself isn't too bad, but it needs a lot of help. All in all the recording and mix sounded OK. The drums I wasn't a fan of at all, but I never liked canned drums, and I understand that not everyone has access to real drums and the gear to record them. The best part of the song by far is the guitar solo part, it has SOME energy to it (although I wasn't a huge fan of all of the solo, osme of it sounded like "wow look what i can do, but i can't keep it in time"). I'd spend some more time programming the drums, you'd be amazed how much better it'll sound if you change the beat just SLIGHTLY throughout the song. Also the song's tempo doesn't sound constant, at some points it actually osunds like it slows down (why?).

Sorry for being so brutal on that, but I think thats what I'd want to hear if I made it so when I go back I can try some things different.

Thanks for taking the time! Sorry you didnt like it, but you can't please everyone all the time! But I've very glad you took the time to explain what you didn't like about it.