La Estacion - Music sung in spanish

Listening to La Espera,

Not a band song, for what I can tell. :) Of course, I can't understand a word of it.

The intro sounds pretty cool. Really big. When the first verse kicks in, though, it makes it sound smaller than it needs to. You've got a decent stereo image in the song, but that wide sounding intro plays it down.

The next thing that I noticed is that the song itself doesn't have much dynamics. Your vocals have a TON of energy, but nothing else does. The effect it creates for me is that you are trying to move the song with your voice. The guitar, bass, and drums all seem to go through the whole song at the same volume and intensity. I want to hear the guitar played a bit punchier.

There is a LOT of reverb on the backing vocals, too. It makes a neat affect but its kind of distracting to me. A bit too much.

Sounds like you had fun with the rocked out part at the end, too. :D All the guitars sound a bit better to me in that part.

Take care,
Hola, ¿que tal?

Estoy escuchando 'Existes'. La primera cosa que noto es que una de las guitarras no está muy bien afinada. También oigo distorción en la grabación en varias lugares, aunque eso podría ser por causa de la compresión mp3. Las guitarras me parecen bastante bien grabadas. La bateria y las voces faltan algo, aunque no estoy seguro exactamente qué...díganos un poco sobre los microfonos que usaste. Puedo oir el bajo, pero me gustaría que haga un poco más. Claro que esto es solamente mi opinión, y si quieres que el bajo sea tan simple, así debe ser.

Bastante bien hecho, en fin. Siga este camino.

I guess if any of you anglophones want to know what I said I'll translate it for you :)
Thanks for your comments, guys.

Well, Chris your comment is really appreciated and will work in that direction in the next recording I make. After I did the final mix, I thought the same about the vocals, but since I don't have a particulary fast or powerfull machine, I had to do all kinds of tricks (bouncing tracks, etc.) to achieve a decent mix. For example, the drums were recorded from the band's Spirit Mixer directly into Stereo. No room for second guesses, then.

That is why (answering to Whoopysnorp) the drums sound a bit strange in Existes, kinda not enough punchy. To my taste there is too much hi-hat and is lacking a bit of snare. The voice (for what I been told) is a little low on volume. BTW your spanish is great, man. Felicidades.

So, here is the sad story of my gear. Here in Mexico we earn a lot less than in the USA and music stuff is more expensive.

AMD k6-2 400 mhz.
200 MB RAM (96 when I recorded and mixed that stuff)
5200 RPM HD
A lot of freeware plugins

Mics and mixer
1 SM57 (my "star" mic)
2 Shure headset mics (I used them for toms here)
2 Shure "Performer" mics (cost about $30 but sound decent)
1 Audio-Technica "cheaper than the last one" mic
1 Kenwood (This one SUCKS) mic - worst than Radio Shack's
1 Spirit Folio mixer
1 Digitech RP1 Effects (Meant for guitar, but used elsewhere)

Gracias otra vez por sus sabias palabras
Thanks again for your wise advise. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes in mi writings.

:o :D
Con los microfonos que usaste (y la necesidad de mezclar la batería antes del resto de los instrumentos) me parece que hiciste muy bien. ¡Felicidades! Y tu inglés es muy bien, también.
Well, thanks for your comments again. I expecto to associate with the other guitarists of the band to put a better studio. I hope that another friend will bring me from the USA a Studio Projects C1 and to buy a Delta 1010 somewhere soon.

I am upgrading my PC, too. I want to buy a Pentium 1.3 Ghz processor and later a 7200 RPM drive.

When I get that gear I will start doing the recording thing for money (a little at least) and record rookie bands, choirs, worship bands, etc. That is why I ask so desperately for feedback, to see if the sound quality could be "sellable".

Thanks to all you guys.