How is this punk mix?

The vocals and guitars are really fighting each other for frequency space, which makes the mid-range of the mix sound cluttered and muddy.

Drums sound pretty good.

The "blast beats" in the breakdown sound super fake.

Guitar tone in the down verse is good.
There's an odd and obvious dropoff in volume after the intro. This means there's a loss of energy there, unfortunately. And VHS is right - the guitars are clobbering the vocals. Try turning them down first, since that might also level out the difference between the intro and kick-in. If they're still stepping on them, then you'll prob have to cut out some uppermids with EQ on the guitars.
I think it sounds pretty good. Not my type of song but well composed with lots of movement and melody changing back and forth. Keep it up.
I didn't hear the original but the vocals are coming through nice and clear. Guitars sound good. The blast beats sound like castanets. Kick could come up a bit, it seems to fade as the song progresses. The tune is pretty cool, nice job
Nice song. The tempo feels a bit slow for punk (the halftime section is painfully slow). Bass is undefined. Vocal sounds like it has autotune? I don't see punk and tuning going together.
Still a fun listen.