First Clinic Post.

Got a little bit of vocal problems on the P's and B's in the song. For me, that's a show stopper, look at "give up" at 0:08 for an example.

Are the bass and guitar in tune? When the bass came in the tune sounded a bit off.

Maybe a bit of percussion would spice things up.

I like the flute, that's cool.
Cool song, liked the effects on the vocals.

You can make a 'popper stopper' that works better than the one in the picture on your soundclick page out of a coathanger and a nylon stocking.
unfortunatly at this moment i don't have a bass so that is a octave pedaled guitar. My next purpose is a popper stopper.

the one on the picture page is not what i was using.. im using one of those thick pop screens for mics w/ a pencil in the middle of it.

I'll try some percussion out on this.

thanks for the idea.
Not necessarily my style of track, but I appreciate music... Lyrically, I like it... good stuff, but you definitely need a popper stopper. Or you need to edit out those p's and b's in your DAW.

Overall, a good listen.