An animal song

I am speechless: the song is bizarre. If your voice was harsher I would suspect this was something by Tom Waits!

MUsically it sounds great, but it is hard to understand the lyrics, and I suspect that the lyrics are crucial to the song. Try to tighten up the vocals and bring them up in the mix. You might want to separate things a little more in the mix so that the voice can occupy a specific space in both place and EQ.

That is my uneducated opinion.
Thanks for listening! Yeah, you are right about the lyrics. We will actually re-record it as a part of our next project.

We've always been fond of experimenting...

All the best,
i really enjoyed this! i have no fucking clue what you are singing but it's hilarious. you almost sound like rocky and bullwinkle some times.

i like the break at 1:55.

have you ever heard mr. bungle before?

nice work.
Great song-kind of like a hair band playing klezmer with the muppets. Like everyone else I couldn't understand what the hell you were saying. Is it all in English?

Like this one "like a hair band playing klezmer with the muppets" yeah, that's us! We've always been close to humour and experimenting doing our music.

The vocals are in English with some strong "dialects". You know, the different vocal parts are actually different animals..for real... God it smelled in the studio...;}

I've heard of mr Bungle but never heard them, I will now.

Yes, the lyrics are important.

We'll do it better next time.
