1979 Acoustic Cover

Nice song. Sounds good.

What do you have against geriatrics??? (FWIW, I'm never there on Sunday mornings - I get my hit, minus the senior discount, late morning weekdays - no crowds :))
Awesome vocals, love the slight delay.

Great chorus vocals too. Nice touch with the electric? in the chorus, I hear some cool synths, not sure if I heard a touch of electric too.

Great vocal sound, that mic works very good with your voice, dude.

Acoustics got some nice low end, probably would be too much but works because there's no bass.

Love the subtle vocal harmonies in the verses, too.

Very nicely done overall, man. I'd put it on the shelf, sounds done to me.
That first acoustic that comes in has some string buzz on the low notes. That's the only major nit I spotted on first listen

Nice octave harmonies.

Your vocal inflection is surprisingly similar to Billy's. There were a lot of words that I've never been sure of what he was saying, that I'm also not sure what you said! "Forgotten and absorbed? Absolved?"