waves linear phase eq

yeh, but there are problems with this.

Too much delay, too much CPU power for a mix session (for LE). It sounds accurate, but when you look at all the tradeoffs between something like a focusrite EQ or waves renaisannce EQ, it's just much more affordable to use those EQs in a mix session.
djclueveli said:
thanks LeeRosario. is waves linear phase eq better to use when mastering instead of waves REQ

I would say yes, because that's what it was designed for, but both EQs have different sound properties, so I wouldn't completely throw REQ out for mastering.

However, 90% of the time, I would say LinEQ is the prefered choice (of those two).
yeah i figured waves linear eq is better for mastering since it was desinged for that purpose. thanks for the help