I am doing a presentation on mixing principles and i need your help


New member
Hello everybody, i got a project in uni where i am asked to present the benefits of digital signal processing during mixing, the tools availiable to the engineer and some basic techniques. The whole thing is supposed to be an educational multimedia presentation for (student) mixing engineers. I also have to state the aim of the mixing stage in music production and the role of the mixing engineer. I got it cause it was interesting but i dont think i know how to answer all these questions. can you help?
"Can you help?" Do you mean help you with your homework? I fail to understand exactly what you're after. If you're doing a project for school, shouldn't you be the one who does the research? Aren't you there to learn? Have you searched the archives of this site or checked out any of the articles on the homepage? Time to get to work, heh? Good luck with 'YOUR' project.
I think the main problem with your question is that in order to answer you I would need a day to write it out.
Your asking for to much info. Try breaking it down to something more simple.
Just on Basic rmixing Technique's I could write till tomorrow.
Yeah guys i have the same problem, i dont quite understand it but i suppose they want to know about mixing. Now about the dsp i dont get it either, i ll probably have to describe a few processors like compressors, gates and stuff. I havent got much time left though, i am supposed to present the findings this friday.

I ll probably follow coopermans advice and rip off sonus with a mention to his web site and himself(if he allows this of course).

John, where can i find your manual (what do you mean purchase, do i actually need to pay money ?! :)).

Up to now i have decided to structure it like this:

1) Hearing test (i ll test the frequency range they can listen to)
2) The role of mixng in music production
3) The tools and the techniques (Gating, eqing etc)
4) (and here is where i think i am wrong) a small database of the most popular instruments with their frequency characteristics (so they can look up for overlaping frequencies, i think this is usefull for eq isnt it?)
5) Internet resources (where i put links on the net related to mixing)

i have a feeling this is gonna be a disaster, cause i have very little time left and not enough information even to clearly define the subject. Anyway do you think the above list would be an adequate presentation for "Mixing and digital signal processing"?

[Edited by Animaniac on 08-21-2000 at 03:16]