How can i split up an audio drums track into the drums instruments?


Is there a way for splitting up an audio drums track (recorded from a yamaha keyboard) into instruments of the drums
Thanks a lot
It's an audio stereo output, correct? The answer would be 'no'. If it's MIDI and each drum is mapped to its own MIDI channel, then 'yes'.
You would need to track each individual part separately. Unfortunately, It will not automatically separate the parts for you.
You're using one of the 'rhythm machine drum tracks from the keyboard, not inputting the individual parts using the keys? If that's the case you can't do it.
You're using one of the 'rhythm machine drum tracks from the keyboard, not inputting the individual parts using the keys? If that's the case you can't do it.

I mean... that's not entirely true. It's not impossible to do. However, it's complicated enough and requires enough software, manual editing, and/or EQ to pull off that it's almost certainly not worth the effort. There's probably a simpler way to do it.

Some tutorials: - via manual editing and drum replacement plugins - via melodyne - using EQ (probably my favorite)