Selling song as a commercial jingle

MG Eddie

New member
Ok so I want to know if anyone has any tips or ideas on selling/marketing a song as a jingle, for use in tv/radio commercials?
I might try to get a generic jingle tune down, then write specific lyrics for 5-10 (large?) local busineses. Then approach each of them until you get a buyer. Tell them you are shopping it around too so they know. I'd think they would want a finished product to evaluate your initial worth. Then use the first sale as a stepping stone to future jingles (either with same or different businesses.) Get friendly with your local radio station as they probably hire jingle writers.
My band already has a potential buyer and a very rough recording. The Curbside Avengers - Aflac - YouTube This song was written as a joke and our friends started saying things like its practically a jingle already. Please don't judge the recording too harshly because our recording setup is not in an ideal environment.
Buyer...?...from AFLAC?

Hey, that's cool... you can do the same thing with a blues song bed, R&B, Country, etc, etc...since there really isn't any melody in that song, just the repeating "AFLAC".... :)