I Need help Fast


New member
Hi, I have a question. I am a producer and recently I have worked on two songs that will be on a major record comming out in July on two of Atlanta's major acts. My question is that they want my information of my publishing company. I have copyrights to my music but how would I start my own publishing company to legally publish my music. HELP PLEASE
Well, get a lawyer is never bad advice... but it will save you money to be better informed and not have to rely on a lawyer for every little thing.

I am a music publisher and licensor in the UK. My advice is from a UK perspective and is based on what I know of the US (which is slightly less than my own market). There's lots of 'ifs' and 'buts' here, so I've had to make some basic assumptions about your situation.

Firstly, you do not say in what capacity you 'worked on' the tracks. For the sake of argument, I will assume that you were a co-writer, AND that you do not own a share in the 'sound' recording copyright - only the musical compositional copyright.

It is not entirely necessary to have your tracks published, or become a 'publisher'. Music Publishing is very simply agreed representation. It seems that in this instance you have successfully bypassed the process of having to go through a publisher to get your compositions in front of the noses of execs. Well played. As your tracks are currently unpublished, you currently own 100% of 'your share' of the musical copyright. (ie if you composed the track entirely yourself you still own 100% - if you co-composed it with one other writer you may own 50%... - you haven't given away a percentage to anyone....yet!)

You now need to quickly become a 'writer' member of BMI or ASCAP. Then, register your tracks with one of the Collection Agencies. When the tracks are released, the issuing record company will apply for a license. The license will reflect the fact that you own your share of the musical composition and you will be paid by BMI/ASCAP in due course accordingly.

So your answer to the issuing Record Co. should be that the tracks are unpublished, but fully registered in your name as the copyright holder of the musical work.

HOWEVER, it may pay you to ask the record company if their 'publishing arm' will publish the tracks. A good publisher will exploit the tracks as part of their catalogue (as well as protect your copyrights). This means you will have to negotiate a percentage share to the Publisher. (Concept: give something away to get more in return). You, on your own, do not necessarily have the ability to fully exploit the potential of your tracks. But a good publisher will.

1st step: Start reading more. Search the net.
2nd step: Become a writer member of BMI or ASCAP.
3rd step: Enquire about the possibility of publishing with the releasing record company.
4th step: Find friendly legal representation before signing any contracts.

If all this raises further questions please post and I'll do my best to answer! And anyone who knows of any specific variations to this in the US please feel free to correct me!
