How to market Youtube videos ( Piano channel)?


New member
I have been playing the piano for 10 years, however, 3 years ago, I started composing music. I wanted to ask you all how do you market your songs , how to make more people listen to your original pieces?

I started a youtube channel but I am struggling to get views and feedback. I would like to hear your suggestions regarding this matter :D

Writing's On The Wall - Piano Cover:

Thanks again :D
Find publications (blogs, magazines, etc.) that write about the sort of music you do and look up their submissions process.
Buy ads.
Convince your friends to share your videos on their Facebooks/Twitters/Tumblrs/Whatever.
Join forums (like this one!); participate in the discussions (like giving feedback in the mp3 mixing clinic!); link to your channel in your signature (it's surprisingly good for your search rankings).
This is excellent, nice work! It's difficult to get people interested. But I think sharing your videos and being active in forums like this and sharing on Twitter is a great place to start. I have a decent channel now, but it's taken a really long time to get there. I get more views for my gaming than music which is disappointing, but not unexpected. I'm happy to help share your music if you would like to add me on Twitter @brianstrean & @ourfutureleadrs just make sure you tag me so I can retweet it. I subscribed to your channel as well. Cheers!