How do you archive?


New member
Just wondering how others are dealing with large files.

I never feel good about keeping stuff on the hard drive, even tho drives are so big these days. Burning cd's is time consuming and often times I can't get all of a project on 1,2 or even 3 cd's. DVD burners are coming down in price, that may be the way I go in the near future.

Weigh in on this if ya want,

> I never feel good about keeping stuff on the hard drive <

Put a second hard drive in your computer and back up to that. Then get an external Firewire or USB hard drive and back up to that too. Alternate backing up to one then the other. This is far easier and much faster and safer than mucking around with CDR backups.

Also see my three-part series from Keyboard magazine, fifth in the list on my Articles page:

The first part in particular explains a lot about hard drive organization.

Me too. I backup to an external Hard drive.

I used to backup to CD-R but as Ethan said, it's way to time consuming.

Also I've read some recent articles about CD and DVD rot, so really if you are concerned about the reliability of hard drives vs CDR's, they both have potential issues.
I have an archival external HD (160 G) which is used as temporary backup for in-progress projects... once the project is done (and is a keeper), I back up to DVD-Rs - 4.7 gigs of space per disc... I'll zip a project down and fly several over.... works great so far!