Cubase SX3 export problem


New member
Played a gig last Sunday and a friend recorded the whole thing using a mobile multi-track rig. Anyway, I've got all my files in Cubase SX3 and spent a good long time on a mix. I wanted to route several things separately, and I ended up with a group channel containing group channels. Maybe this is dumb, but I'm new to the whole thing. Everything sounded great. Shut down, came back later and suddenly the group channel containing group channels wasn't showing any activity.

Question 1 - What's that all about then?

So, I created a new output bus instead and routed my group channels to the new bus, copying my eq / inserts etc. settings as necessary. Now it sounds fine again. My problem now is that when I export a mixdown only the main output bus is exported. I know I can export that, then change the default bus to the other, export that lot and mix the two exported files together, but is there a way to have both output busses included in my final mixdown?

Excuse me if this all sounds amateur - but that's exactly what I am.
Sounds like a glitch in the system, route everything back to the group channel, it might work now.

Output busses can not be mixed together on export. Output busses happen after the mixer.