are there any companies making new 8, 16, 24 track reel to reels?

Rocket Boy

New member
i know this is a stupid question... i was just wondering. i guess if there were we wouldnt all order off of ebay...
TASCAM is still offering the BR20T, a 2 track, 1/4" mastering deck.

Studer is still offering the A827 Gold Edition, a 24 track, 2 inch multi-track.

Otari is still showing MTR90, also a 24 track, 2 inch.

As far as I know, that's it.

If you make a call to Studer or Otari's sales department and see the the REAL retail prices for these beasts, you'll soon put two and two together and realize why analog is near it's last breath.

Keep looking for the gems on E-bay and elsewhere is my best advice to any one out there considering quality analog.

I wish I was affluent enough to afford the new stuff but, I guess I am not alone in being a dreamer. Otherwise, there would be a healthy and diverse analog market out there still for new stuff and that sadly, isn't the case.:(

Cheers! :)
I guess they still have a couple of them in stock. And otari just ran out because there are no analog 24 tracks on their website today. :)