Do I Know Anyone With a 388 and Mad Drum Skillz?

Don't know about drum skills + a 388...
...but for tape mailing, here in the USA they have a special category called Medial Mail, it's a lower cost, and if I recall, you have to show them the contents before sealing it etc, because it may be a flat rate only for they don't want people using it for other things.

Not sure what you have in the UK...and also, where are you shipping it to?
If it's outside the might just opt for FedEx.
I'll send the tape wherever it needs to go to get some drums on it.

I really want real drums on the songs I'm planning to record. I did have a drummer but she moved to London for a career in design and I don't think she's picked up a pair of sticks in the past five years.
I would think rather than looking for a distant drummer with a 388...just look for a more local drummer that you can bring over or take the 388 to them.
That way you are there for the sessions.