line 6 toneport UX8


New member
hey guys I'm looking for a new audio interface and this was recommended to me by a friend. I was wondering if anyone has had any problems or just some advice. Thanks guys
Well, I have been using one for the last four years for good and bad... Nothings perfect and this one is no exception.

The Pod Farm amp emulation stuff is nice (kind of a side note I know)

Dont expect super low latency with this one, although it is useable

for the money its pretty good, but I would look around some more.

To record midi I usually have to use the third party ASIO driver ASIO4all in order to get decent latency...

What are you trying to do, that would determine whether this one is for you or not... Its great as some stuff and it sucks at others...

The preamps sound decent, not spectacular, but decent...

Has plenty of I/O...

I could go on but since I dont know exactly what you would want to use it for I cant tell you if its for you or not.