MidiOx/MidiYoke Users-please help!


New member
Here is the problem. I recently switched to an 8x8 midi switcher that does not have multi client drivers (it however is part of the soundcard--so everything now syncs well...hence the switch). So I now have 8 midi out and 8 mid in ports. Unfortunately, I can't use the sequencer and editor librarian at the same time... get a "midi device in use" message when I open the second program. I downloaded an installed MidiOx and MidiYoke, which I think will solve the problem. The issue now, is how to configure them.

When I open my midi ports in and out, on both the sequencer and librarian, they now read the 8 "real" ports (both in and out) and the 8 "virtual" MidiOx ports (in and out). I can configure the MidiOx ports a variety of ways... rerouting data, sending data to more than one different port (e.g., I could have it send Real port one data to several output ports). The problem is two fold.
1) How do I configure the MidiOx virtual ins and outs and
2) How do I configure the sequencer and librarian
so I can open and use both at the same time.

I have read the help file...but I just don't get it. I have tried lots of different things. If you use or understand these programs... please give me some ideas. Thanks in advance.