controlling the controller


New member

I'm using Reason 2.5 Adapted with an Oxygen8 keyboard. When I attempt to use the keyboard with the ReDrum module, all of the keys seem to trigger the wrong (or inaudible) events. A typical scenario is if I press a key down, it will show as being pressed down in the sequencer window and in the rack window Drum X mute would be the corresponding event/command. I've tried my best to consult the Oxygen8 manual and using Reason 2.5 Ignite! by Chris Hawkins but I still haven't figured out exactly what I accidentally changed. As a result, if I press record, no events will show in drum lane/piano roll and nothing gets recorded.

If I use the Oxygen8 with another module such as a Subtractor everything works fine.

Can someone please point to where I should look to resolve this problem?

Thanks to all replies.