Mic demos?


New member
Hello all,

so I've been cruising the interwebs for demos of people singing in different mics. Unforunately this doesn't seem to exist (at least, not in one collected place). Far be it from me to advise, but I think a thread of mic demos would be important enough to sticky.

Description of Instrument/Voice Recorded:
Raw file (if available):
Mixed song (if available):

I'll be contributing to this with some cheap mics once I get them.

studio auditions jam sessions as well.

I've never found voice samples to be all that useful. Given that you have no ideal what the source actually sounds like. But I'm an instrumentalist looking for transparent / honest mics. Not flattering ones. Not that those traits are mutually exclusive, but they don't always go hand in hand.
Ahh, hrm, I bring this up again, as the Listening Sessions are mostly with the same equipment consistently. It'd be cool to have a large collection of just mic demos for any demos anyone is willing to put up here.
