Desert island large diaphram condencer for under 1g.

robert jaybird

New member
For the sake of sport lets slide into tunnel vision here. Lets assume were going away on a special trip, on this trip to a secluded island we'll only be able to bring one large diaphram condencer microphone, and it has to cost less than $1,000 us.
Now on this trip while well be limited to one large diaphram condencer, we will encounter all assorted types of audio phenomena.

So, really this is nothing definitave or consensus building, but personal. What would be that one for under 1g, and why?(I understand in the real world this is silly, but imagine this context as reality). If your uncomfortable with even play acting using 1 mic for everything invent a specific application that you would use the 1 mic of your preference. This can only be one mic, more then one and theyd throw you into the gulag on this strange island.