Sound Module-midi Controller-pc Hook Up


New member
I have an E-MU Turbo Phatt sound module and a USB Evolution MK midi controller..
I tried using my midi controller with my computer thru USB.. was able to record midi notes.. but how do I use my sound module to trigger all those midi notes from my computer and using my sound modules sound, and recording them as wave files?
Turbo phatt's a great unit, and appears on a lot of records. Don't insult it by making your own music. (I'm kidding by the way)

Well.. you've got your controller, midi'd via USB to your computer. You're successfully receiving the signal, which means all is good there. Next, you'll need to go midi out to your module's midi in and set up the midi channels from your software (make sure you've got DAW software that has midi/audio implementation)

Just a matter of connecting the dots - set your channels to those of the module and like magic - poof - sounds are replaced. To record that audio, you'll need an audio interface running into your computer (I would suggest something firewire or PCI - USB is scary) and then of course, connecting the dots with the software.

Also - RTFM of your software and module. Very important.

Technically speaking, that software could work, but it's not the ideal program for anything serious. More of a looping interface than anything else.
