does any one have a nord modular?


New member
hello i have just recently bought myself an original nord modular, it didnt come with the software, the guy hasnt got it, but to my horror i find that you cannot get the p.c editing softare from the site, the link just takes you onto the g2 version, gutted, and nord are also on holiday for 3 weeks

can someone please send me


the version 3 something windows xp comatible software,

i would be so so gratefull

my email address is

matt watts
If it is truly the original Nord Modular you'll need to find a computer with Windows 98 because that's the last OS that Nord issued software support for.

It shouldn't be too expensive --- even a PIII laptop could run the Modular editing software and would make a nice attractive pairing with the Nord...
Let me tell you few things about nord modular...The (first generation) Nord Modular family consists of three hardware models: Nord Modular Key, Nord Modular Rack and Nord Micro Modular. They are all built around the same type of electronics and use the same type of DSP.

Do you play a song in functions, and wants to record your nord as remembrance?