Mackie CR-1604?


New member
A friend just gave me a Mackie CR-1604 and I was wondering if anyone had any comments about this mixer. I am purchasing a Tascam 38 and would like a decent mixer...being that I cant really afford good mic-pre's right now. Is the Mackie worth it...or should I get one of the Tascam M-series mixers (cause there are some cheap ones on ebay)? thanks for the help...
I know a fair piece about the Tascam M- series, and would say they have nothing to recommend them over the Mackie. Since that's the first generation Mackie the preamps won't be splendid, but then neither are the specs on a Tascam 38. You'd be getting a good match if both the board and the recorder are in good shape, meaning no noisy or dead channels on the mixer and no need for a head lap anytime soon on the deck.
I did alot of pretty decent recordings with the a mackie CR1604 VLZ when i first started recording. Nothing amazing but decent piece of gear. Good starting gear too. Just dont clip that Mackie and dont use the EQ. The preamps can get you by although they are a bit sterile.
